Tuesday, May 13, 2008


One of my friends told me this story; it speaks to the power of Living Sensationally to become vernacular!

A family member just became divorced. She was sitting at the kitchen table with her former husband visiting. The man began straightening up the items on the table as they talked. His need to have everything 'just right' was a source of challenge in their relationship.

As they talked, she told him about Living Sensationally, and said she thought that it would be helpful to him. He immediately went to get a copy, and read it that very week. The next time they talked, the man said 'If I had known all of this information for the last 20 years, I don't think we would have been divorced!'.

I am so saddened for the challenges in their marriage, and I am so warmed by his comment that the information was helpful to him. Perhaps his life will be better now, and he can 'live sensationally'!

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